Ultimate glutes/posterior chain workout

Ultimate glutes/posterior chain workout

Here is a quick workout that could be done twice a week and could be well incorporated into a leg workout as well. A1 Barbell back squats 1 ¼ x 1...
Entraînement ultime Fessier/chaîne postérieure

Entraînement ultime Fessier/chaîne postérieure

Voici un entraînement rapide qui peut être fait deux fois par semaine et qui pourrait très bien s’intégrer dans une séance d'entraînement de jambes...
Qu'est-ce qu'un bon échauffement?

Qu'est-ce qu'un bon échauffement?

La plupart des gens prennent le mot à la lettre et c'est exactement ce qu'ils font, ils réchauffent simplement le corps, ce qui est tout à fait jus...
What is a proper warm up?

What is a proper warm up?

Most people take the word literally and that is exactly what they do, they just warm up the body, which is fine by all means. However, it is not be...
Quel est le bon poids à utiliser?

Quel est le bon poids à utiliser?

C'est probablement l'une des questions que je reçois le plus souvent. Ma réponse est  toujours la même: «Je ne sais pas»! Vous êtes celui ou celle ...
What is a correct weight to use?

What is a correct weight to use?

What is a correct weight to use? This is probably one of the questions I get the most. My answer is always the same: “I don’t know”! You are the o...
Question of the week

Question of the week

‘’How do I shape up my lower pecs?’’ There are two things to address here, body composition and the shape of the actual pectorals. If you have ma...
Estrogen Dominance Part 2: How you get it, understand it and control it

Estrogen Dominance Part 2: How you get it, understand it and control it

Part two: Practical applications Of course, as mentioned {in this first article}, estrogen status is heavily influenced by lifestyle, including s...
Estrogen Dominance Part 1: How you get it, understand it and control it

Estrogen Dominance Part 1: How you get it, understand it and control it

Part one: Stressing out fertility Estrogen! The female hormone, isn’t it? Actually no, it's rather strange to call estrogen that way. Sure, it is h...
New ATP Lab Product : Pure EAA

New ATP Lab Product : Pure EAA

BCAA (Branched Chain Amino Acids) versus EAA (Essential Amino Acids) The question that everybody is asking these days is: “Which one is better: BCA...
What is MagnaPower Creatine?

What is MagnaPower Creatine?

What is MagnaPower Creatine? MagnaPower creatine is a combination creatine and magnesium chelate. Creatine monohydrate is on of the most thoroug...
What is Peak ATP?

What is Peak ATP?

Peak ATP is a clinical form of Adenosine Triphosphate  - Adenosine triphosphate is your body’s primary source of energy which means that it fuels e...

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