3 supplements to create workout pump beyond anything you've experienced
Clearly, pump workouts tend to be for those pursuing hypertrophy/muscularity or rehabbing joints that need the nutrient feed and a break on the co...

The EAA / BCAA paradox
Here is an article that explains well and quickly the difference between EAAs and BCAAs.
BCAAs are your friends when you are in severe calorie res...

5 laws of cheat meals
1. Good company
Never cheat with high levels of stress, hence the tip of cheating in good company. A nice meal between friends is way better digest...

Making your Citrulline work for your pump!
I've mentioned this before in previous articles but it appoints that can't be driven home enough. If your goal is strength and CNS stimulation, you...

Titanium abs
Forget abs of steel, titanium is way more superior. Its most useful property is the strength to density ratio which is exactly how you should view ...

Superior Hydration with Electrolytes XL
Hydration means a lot more than just water. To properly hydrate, we require Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Zinc, Chloride, and other minera...

Returning to the Gym: 5 tips for a Safe, Sound and Effective return
Well for the past 3-4 months most of us have been locked out of any appreciable gym. Safe from COVID but deteriorating from the drop inactivity.Som...

ATP LAB Home Workout Lower Body
We are proud to present the first of a series of training videos featuring two of our certified coaches Cynthia Benoit and Eric Falstrault. This vi...

When our get up and go has got up and gone
The COVID lockdown has drained all. That's a given. Everything from sleep patterns to daily regimes is off and it's clearly taking a toll on all. W...

Stuck at home-workouts from the hardware store
Back in the day, I had the privilege of working with renowned strength coach Charles Poliquin.One thing Charles was adamant about was the value of ...

5 ways working out every day can make you better
Get your cardio inRegular cardio workouts can, strengthen your heart and blood vessels, improve the flow of oxygen throughout your body, lower your...

Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures.
Actions that might seem extreme under normal circumstances are appropriate during adversity. It has been proven throughout history that tough times...