The EAA / BCAA paradox
Here is an article that explains well and quickly the difference between EAAs and BCAAs.
BCAAs are your friends when you are in severe calorie res...

What do you do when your Magnesium keeps you awake?
As a trainer, we have "go-to" solutions as a rule. When it comes to sleep issues or trouble with anxiety and depression, even insulin sensitivity ...

5 laws of cheat meals
1. Good company
Never cheat with high levels of stress, hence the tip of cheating in good company. A nice meal between friends is way better digest...

Making your Citrulline work for your pump!
I've mentioned this before in previous articles but it appoints that can't be driven home enough. If your goal is strength and CNS stimulation, you...

Titanium abs
Forget abs of steel, titanium is way more superior. Its most useful property is the strength to density ratio which is exactly how you should view ...

Taking the depression out of home workouts and lockdowns- finding our way back!
The lockdown and loss of our gym have taken a bite out of us all. We used to own our future by our choices- then suddenly choices were being made f...

Getting enough protein while quarantined
We often forget the importance of protein. From helping our mood and outlook via neurotransmitter support to immune health and cosmetic appearance-...

After infection with the coronavirus, a high vitamin D level may prevent you from getting sick
After infection with the coronavirus, a high vitamin D level may prevent you from getting sick on the web, doctors and experts are openly speculati...

Nutrients to help with depression
At the time of this writing, we are neck-deep in quarantine. Out of money, out of routine, sleep patterns off and a chronic low-grade cortisol lift...

La responsabilité immunitaire individuelle (French Only)
Article par Keven Arseneault, Kinésiologue
En ce temps de crise de la COVID-19 (vous pouvez suivre la progression des cas et de la mortalité mondia...

Hypertrophy for dummies
1. Learning curve
Just like babies grow and learn fast, you will learn and gain very fast as a beginner lifting weights into the gym. However, babi...

Quick health check-up
Concerned with your health? No time to go for a quick check-up? Your body has a way to speak to you by symptoms. Something is wrong, he will let yo...