10 tips to speed up fat loss
1. Eat moreIt truly goes against popular belief, but I rarely come across someone that can manage to eat enough calories, good calories, to balance...

5 laws of cheat meals
1. Good company
Never cheat with high levels of stress, hence the tip of cheating in good company. A nice meal between friends is way better digest...

5 ways working out every day can make you better
Get your cardio inRegular cardio workouts can, strengthen your heart and blood vessels, improve the flow of oxygen throughout your body, lower your...

Can you control or influence where you will lose fat?
If I had a dollar for each time I saw someone do butt exercises for the purpose of losing fat in that precise area, I would be retired living in so...

You are not the number on the scale
This goes for all the January resolutions and it is also the number one probable cause for every people who give up training so early. They give al...