Superior Hydration with Electrolytes XL
Hydration means a lot more than just water. To properly hydrate, we require Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Zinc, Chloride, and other minera...

Vanilla Almond Protein Smoothie 🥜🥤
Serves 1Ingredients• 16 ounces of purified water• 1 serving of our OVB vanilla protein powder• 1 frozen banana• 2 tablespoons almond butter• 1/8 t...

L’hydratation! Au-delà de la recommandation de boire plus d’eau! (French Only)
Que l’on parle d’optimisation de la santé et/ou d’optimisation des performances sportives, l’hydratation cellulaire est sans doute l’un des premier...

Detoxifying Lead from your Canadian drinking water
Lead [Pb] is found in cheap petrol, paint, and batteries. It's the cause of a whole list of toxic effects. Lead is capable of causing damage to the...