What do you do when your Magnesium keeps you awake?
As a trainer, we have "go-to" solutions as a rule. When it comes to sleep issues or trouble with anxiety and depression, even insulin sensitivity ...

Magnesium Deficiency in the Brain
Research shows that 52.5% of Americans are deficient in magnesium.
In Canada, 9.5-16.6% is below the reference range for serum magnesium (mg). Defi...

Superior Hydration with Electrolytes XL
Hydration means a lot more than just water. To properly hydrate, we require Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Zinc, Chloride, and other minera...

Nutrients to help with depression
At the time of this writing, we are neck-deep in quarantine. Out of money, out of routine, sleep patterns off and a chronic low-grade cortisol lift...

Detoxifying Lead from your Canadian drinking water
Lead [Pb] is found in cheap petrol, paint, and batteries. It's the cause of a whole list of toxic effects. Lead is capable of causing damage to the...